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Prudencio Gomez - One of Pacoima's Earliest Trailblazers

Prudencio Gomez was born in the country of Spain in 1900, and immigrated to the Pacoima area in 1916. He picked fruit for a living and married his wife Mercedes, having 5 daughters together. In 1926 his dream of being a business owner came to fruition, when he opened Gomez Market on Judd Street in Pacoima.


During the great depression in 1929 he was one of few businesses who extended credit to suffering families and fed travelers as they passed through the town. He also helped countless young people who were in trouble.

In 1953 he moved the market to a property on Filmore street that he purchased in 1927. His community involvement included Director of Kiwanis Club of Pacoima and President of Pacoima Chamber of Commerce. He was instrumental in getting street lights, sidewalks and paving and transforming Pacoima from shacks with outhouses to modern homes.

After Gomez retired, his grocery store went to his grandson Prudy Roman and the new name became Romans Market. Gomez passed away in 1984 at the age of 84.

Gomez Market on 13223 Judd Street in Pacoima. Circa 1935



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